
The Hickey Underworld - (2009) The Hickey Underworld

sound:Indie/Post Rock
length: 10 songs, 38.6 minutes
1. Zero Hour
2. Sick of Boys
3. Blonde Fire
4. Zorayda
5. Future Words
6. Mystery Bruise
7. Of Asteroids & Men... Plus AddeD Wizardy
8. Blue World Order
9. FlamencorpsE

Belgian guys, playing loud. I think Zero Hour might be one of the strongest album opening songs I've come across in a while. Listening to this album with headphones is recommended if only to scramble your brainwires a bit. If you enjoy the Wolfmother press, give this a listen.
Loved you guys so much, i fuckin' upped it myself. Have at it.

sounds like: Wolfmother, Queens of the Stone Age, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club


1 comment:

  1. Yo pirates, it's actually 'Of Asteroids & Men... Plus AddeD Wizardry', 'FlamencorpsE' and 'VRMNSMR'. If you're gonna rip the album, at least get the titles right! Love, THU
