
All The Day Holiday - (2009) All The Things We've Grown to Love

sound: Indie/Alternative/Chill Sauce
length: 12 songs, 49.8 minutes
1. Autumn
2. Real Time
3. 2000 Winters
4. Greener
5. La Voyage
6. Atmosphere
7. Cities
8. The Things We've Grown To Love
9. Flowers and Fireworks
10. Cheers (You Still Love Me)
11. Mountains
12. Invisible

So imagine Explosions in the Sky were a bit more talented and had a really chill sounding vocalist, you would have All the Day Holiday. I have often gone back and listened to their first EP, We'll be Walking on Air and thought about putting it up on here. However, with that album i normally get hung up on how fucking awesome the song FingerPrints is cause it's got this bad ass guitar intro. So when this album came out i was thinking maybe i would find another jem. See Real Time which has some monster drums, you will be replaying this one i promise. Just a nice catchy, alternative rock feel, on top of being really decent guys. Check em out.

sounds like: Burning Airlines, The Cast Before the Break


*can't trust other peop's ups sorry guys, i fixed it.


  1. Did i read that right? imagine Explosions in the Sky were a bit more talented?? That's a bold statement about a purveyor and forefather of an entire genre of music... this band is doing things i've heard 300 times over.

  2. to say they are more talented musicians, has nothing bearing on how impressive EITS may or may not be. They just aren't as good at playing their instruments as these guys.

  3. Absolutely phenomenal album!

  4. I've listened to the band a lot thanks, and yes they are impressive. HOWEVER, in my opinion this band sounds like them only more talented: boasting guitars that are technically sound, hooks with intricate riffs, and stellar drumming. They might even sound better live.

    are you confused about how a blog works?
    -i state my opinion, on my blog.
    -you (angry reader) instead of using your big kids words to explain to me why im wrong, and revert to name calling like a toddler.
    -everyone goes home happy

    see how it works now?

  5. Thanks for uploading!

  6. EITS is one of the most inspirational bands going this decade! to compare them to something so common is an insult!
    i mean, i do love ATDH, but EITS are sensational.
    bad comparison man....

  7. This band is doing things I've heard so many times.its a very much cool
    Pegasos world

  8. EITS?? this band makes losing Copeland a little easier..

  9. Well, they ARE two different styles. All the Day Holiday is more of an ambient indie pop outfit, whereas Explosions in the Sky is just purely technical post-rock.
    All the Day Holiday doesn't play in the same style, so it's pretty unfair to compare them. I know genre isn't everything, but when it's two totally different styles, it becomes difficult to make an accurate comparison.
    That being said, both bands are great. I haven't seen Explosions in the Sky live yet, but I've seen All the Day Holiday, and to be honest they weren't that great... then again, I was right in front of the stage. It just seemed like they had their equipment set up incorrectly -- you could barely hear the singer's voice (a problem that the other two bands, Rubik and mewithoutYou, didn't have). The guitars and bass blended too densely and made a wall of sound that didn't really work.
