
Touche Amore - (2009) ...To The Beat of Dead Horses

sound: Punk Rock/Post Hardcore
length: 11 songs, 18.26 minutes
░ 1. And Now It's Happening In Mine 1:37
░ 2. Honest Sleep 2:33
░ 3. Cadence 1:47
░ 4. Throwing Copper 2:21
░ 5. Swimming With Sharks 1:03
░ 6. History Reshits Itself 1:33
░ 7. Suckerfish 1:38
░ 8. Broken Records 1:34
░ 9. Nine 0:44
░ 10. Always Running Never Looking Back 2:11
░ 11. Adieux 1:25
░ 18:26

Any Band that gets to tour with Thursday and La Dispute is alright by me. Their gritty guitar lines and coarse vocals are well distributed over a manner of tracks that screams musicality instead of mindless crunch on this mesmerizing press. Cheers to a band with the good sense to match intricate riffs, with intelligent lyrics. This could be my new favorite record.

sounds like: the Chariot, the Bled


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, heard Honest Sleep from a friend, looking forward to hearing the rest.
