
Chalk Talk [2009] Killing Spree

sound: Screamo/Pop Punk/Math Rock

myspace + merch.
Chalk Talk plays a fun lighthearted brand of pop punk that's infectious in nature, bouncy and energetic, with lyrics that are fucking hilarious. They have this knack for screamed harmonies, which is fucking great if you see their live shows cause it's pretty much out of control. They just put out a split cassette with Black Churches, and an upcoming tour with those bros in the summer.  These guys run with this DIY promotion group called the Cake Life Collective, certainly worth checking out, their first compilation  record is up for downloading there. Chalk Talk have some sweet t-shirts on their myspace, and quiet an underground following of which you can now be apart of. Check these dudes out for sure.
Cake Life Collective

sounds like: Bear Vs. Shark, Algernon Cadwallader, 1994!

Bang = 320 kbps.


  1. these guys are amazing. haven't heard a bad song by them, and haven't seen a disapointing show yet. they are the next big thing.

  2. http://www.zshare.net/download/71654183e98c1068/
